Corrado Luca Bottazzi

The Founder

Born at Bergamo on February 21, 1966; he studied Agricultural Economy at Catholic University in Piacenza. He started his industrial career in 1993, at the company Mediberg srl (BG – Italy), beginning to design industrial machinery in the field of the Surgical and Dental Face masks. After that experience he decided to devote himself to the design of complex mechanical devices in various industrial sectors, as designer of winding-folding machines, slitter-rewinders for paper and plastic films, ND-Yag laser welding machines for the automotive sector. Since 2000 he has dedicated himself entirely to laser measurement, design and production of measurement systems and laser scanners for the Aero-Space, Racing-F1 and Packaging sectors. Actually he is CEO and Team Manager of RaphaEl Lab, designing and developing products and devices based on the “Water Activation” proprietary technology.

Giulio Barbato

Project Supervisor

Born at Casale Monferrato (Alessandria) on March 27, 1947, he started his scientific career in 1972, at the Istituto di Metrologia “G. Colonnetti” – Torino (IMGC, National Institute for mechanical metrology of the National Research Council) where he worked in the fields of Stress Analysis, Force and Hardness primary standards.

In 1994 he moved to the University, as Full Professor in the didactic field of Mechanical Measurement.

In 1997 he was called to held the chair of General Metrology at Politecnico di Torino where he has been teaching until 2019 Applied Statistics and Mechanical Measurement.

Graziano Ferrero

IT Manager

Born at Borgosesia (Vercelli) on September 16, 1983, he graduated in Computer Science in 2002.

He’s always been a computer science enthusiast, making his first copy floppy at the age of 6, and his first LAN at the age of 11. In 1997 at the age of 14 he got as birthday present, the internet connection, programming his first scripts (about fifty thousands lines in script based on C) in the 1998.

During his graduating he received an offer to work for the Italian Government as web designer, but he refused to continue his independent studies.

In 2011 met Corrado Luca Bottazzi and finally found the right way to express his professional capabilities. First creating various websites as webmaster and after as programmer and IT designer for several machines, devices and projects.

Massimo Bazzani

Sports Applications Manager

born on 08 July 1969 in Cossato (BI), graduated as an accounting analyst in 1988, after military service from 1990 to 2018 he began working in the family companies in the earthmoving and sports tourism sectors, following in particular the financial aspect of the companies.

Always fascinated by the world of energy (in the holistic field) from an early age, he encountered and experimented with pranotherapy and subsequently participated in courses in 2017/2018, graduating as an operator of the RQI system.

The next step in 2019/2021 was to participate in a Q Project aps group where he increasingly deepened and improved his skills by carrying forward the dissemination of cardiac coherence.

In 2022 he met Corrado Luca Bottazzi and found many synergies and interests in the Raphael IRT project and decided to start collaborating with the group in different areas.

Bianca Dagmar Jellen

Physiotherapist and director of RaphaEl IRT technology teaching

Born at Ronneberg (Hannover) on June 30, 1962, he graduated in Medical Masseuse and Physiotherapy in 1992.

She began his training at the University Clinics of Düsseldorf in 1993.

She specialized as a pathologist and connective tissue massage specialist in 1994.

Since 2002 she has opened her studio as a Medical Masseuse and Physiotherapist in Cannobio (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola).

In 2014 he expanded his studies with Dorn and Breuß therapy.

Sebastian Peter Neunzig

Massophysiotherapist and director of RaphaEl IRT technology teaching

Born on 23 October 1985 in Düren.

In 2008 he decided to change his life by moving to Italy.

He decided to take the first steps to become a massage therapist that same year.

In 2009 he decided to deepen his knowledge by specializing in Dorn and Breuß therapy.

For 14 years he has been working in his studio with many ambitions, to give his clients the well-being they ask for.

Discover The Future Together

We are looking for industrial partners who wish to invest in the industrialization and production of innovative products, in the following sectors:

  • Cosmetics

  • Biostimulants for Agriculture

  • Insulators and Thermoregulation
  • Low Energy Consumption Refrigeration